D > J (Press A during charging to shoot faster (costs more Ki the earlier you press A)
Ultimate Galick Gun
D > J Press J during charging to start flying in the air (the earlier you press J the more Ki is used. Press A during flying to start the attack earlier (less height and less range on the attack)
Team Attacks
None Available
Counter Attacks
Basic Counter
Block attack + A
None Available
Combo Links
None Available
Basic Combos
Basic Combo
Super Punch + J
Intermediate Combo
Super Punch + J + A
Run Attack Combo
Run Attack + J
Basic Combo -> Dash Attack
Super Punch + J + Dash Attack
Basic Combo -> Run Attack Combo
Super Punch + J + Run Attack + J
Advanced Combo
Super Punch + J + A + A
Epic Wombo Combo
D ^ A + D v A + Run Attack + J
Special Combos
Basic Combo -> Shine Shot
Super Punch + J + D < A
Counter Combos
None Available
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