Character Profile

face pic of Majin Buu

Majin Buu

Power Level


background for buu sagabackground for buu sagashadowMajin Buu standing





First Appearance


Character Stats



Ki Usage

Ki Regen.

Ki C.Spd.


Commands for facing right

Basic Moves

Ki Charge
DJA A Hold A
Ki Blast
D > A (A A A...)
Elastic Catch
A while Running
Arm Whip
A while Dashing

Special Moves

D > J
Mystic Shot
D v J (A A A ...)
Mystic Ball
D v A, Direction keys to move around, hold J for underground attack, D to stop Mystic Ball
Mystic Ball Recovery
D v A while falling
Calamity Blaster
Catching + D v J
Gigantic Fury
A while Running + hold J. Hold > or < to smash enemy into the desired direction
Elastic Tentacle
Catching + J. Hold J to increase swing distance and A to decrease it. Hold D to throw.
D + hold J while jumping
Parachute Recovery
J + hold J while falling
Parachute Dash
D > A while holding J on parachute
D ^ A. Hold A for attacking the nearest enemy
Planet Burst
D ^ J
Epic Dance

Team Attacks

None Available

Counter Attacks

Counter Attack
Block attack + A


None Available

Combo Links

Elastic Catch -> Calamity Blaster
A while Running -> Catching + D v J
Elastic Catch -> Elastic Tentacle
A while Running -> Catching + J. Hold J to increase swing distance and A to decrease it. Hold D to throw.

Basic Combos

Basic Combo
Super Punch + J
Advanced Combo
Super Punch + JA
Advanced Combo v1
Super Punch + JA + J
Advanced Combo v2
Super Punch + JA + D v J
Ultimate Combo
Super Punch + JA + D^A

Special Combos

Parachute Combo
D > A while holding J on parachute + JA + D^A

Counter Combos

Counter Attack Combo
Block attack + A + J

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